Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have trouble listening online?
There could be many reasons.  Let’s walk through this together.  Call us at 800-949-1050. 
Where can I find a Catholic church near me?
Why is my nighttime reception poor?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires AM stations are required to power down in the evening. In Seattle, for example, we switch from 5,000 daytime watts to 440 at dusk. FM stations, on the other hand, provide the same coverage day and night.

Who owns Sacred Heart Radio?

Sacred Heart Radio is a 501(c)(3) corporation. We are not owned by any diocese or any parish. We are an independent entity. We are affiliated with EWTN, but not owned by them. Our support comes from listeners, like YOU!

Can you recommend a good radio or way for better reception?

The best way is to download our app for the iPhone or Andriod.  This will provide crystal clear programming 24/7.

iPhone App

Google Play

How can I get Sacred Heart Radio information in my Parish?

You can become a Radio Ambassador. Our goal is to have an Ambassador in each parish. After getting the pastor’s okay, this person will supply the parish with current schedules, bumper stickers, and pens. Contact [email protected] to find out more!

When can I find an archive of a program I heard?

You can find all the program and archives tab.

How do I support MY station?

Thank you for asking! We have twice-yearly “Sharathons” when we ask our listeners to call in and make a donation. Many of our listeners choose to make a monthly donation for 12 months, which helps us to budget wisely.

You can also donate a vehicle to us by calling (866) 628-2277.  Make sure you have your title in hand and let them know you are donating to Sacred Heart Radio, Seattle.

Another way to help is by doing your regular online shopping at and choosing Sacred Heart Radio, Incorporated in Redmond, WA as your charity.

How many people does Sacred Heart Radio reach?

With all or our stations combined, we can reach approximately 4 million people! Please pray for many new listeners to tune in each day and discover the beauty of Catholicism.


How do I donate my vehicle (running or not) to the station?

You’ll find the donation form here. If you need help completing the donation form, or you have questions about the vehicle donation process, call 1.866.628.2277 and they will arrange your donation.   Make sure you have your title in hand and let them know you are donating to Sacred Heart Radio, Seattle.


Can I submit my prayer requests to the station?

Absolutely!  Send your prayers to [email protected] and we will add you to our prayers as well as the Poor Clare Sisters in Spokane.


How can I get my Catholic event aired on the radio?

Yes!  We are happy to air upcoming event in all of our listening areas.  Please call us at 800-949-1050.