
Our family of listeners have amazing stories and your story is important to us.

Please share yours with us by clicking the button below.

Thanks for being there for us cradle Catholics.  My husband and myself value what you do.

Listeners from Spokane

Thank you for your hardwork & dedication to such an important mission.  It sounds so formal when I write that…so let me say you’ve become family to me and brought us home to Jesus & the Church. 

Sacred Heart Radio is such a blessing to me and my family, lifting my marriage and our homeschool to the heavens!

Homeschool Help

I listen to KTTO 970 AM in Spokane.  Your programs have been instrumental in my decision to seek baptism into the Catholic Church.  I am so grafeful!

I’m so grateful for Sacred Heart Radio.  I listen to it constantly…I’ve grown in my faith as a result and have learned so much about it.  I am a cradle Catholic and clung to the tenets of my faith mainly from sheer stubbornness as my knowledge of it was very limited.  As I listen to Sacred Heart Radio I discover how comprehensive our Catholic faith is, how well it is supported by scripture, and how well it conforms to reason and logic.  What a service this station provides.

Thank you for your faithfulness and being there whenever I need to hear the Word of God or be uplifted.

When I started to hear and listen to this station, my life changed.

Before that, my life was so unhappy, always worried of so many, many things but now a lot of change happened in my life.

Sacred Heart Radio is one of the best medicines in my heart and in my soul.  I will never, never change your station.


God bless each and every one of you!

I converted to the Catholic Church in 2003 and my conversion/RCIA process included your station, and I still listen every day…I learn so much and Sacred Heart Radio always encourages and challenges me daily to be a Catholic who wants to serve the Lord above all else every single day.

Camano Island Listener

Thank you for all you do to present the truth to a world that needs it so desperately … my family included.

Thankful in Silverdale, WA

Your station keeps me learning about my faith and encourages me to live it more fully in the neighborhood!

Spokane Listener

Due to being in prison, Sacred Heart Radio has become my parish.  I am blessed with a Mother’s love that looks past the evils that I have done … I found Sacred Heart Radio and in turn found Christ in my own heart again.

Seattle listener

Sacred Heart Radio saves souls, mine included!

Thank you and I will offer a rosary to our Blessed Mother on behalf of the entire staff at Sacred Heart Radio!  God bless you.


Thanking you for being my life-line to Jesus.


My husband has had a massive conversion in the last few years and it is in large part due to Sacred Heart Radio!

Sammamish listener

Sacred Heart Radio has been a Godsend for us.  After listening to the radio for a while we all started coming closer to Christ.  My husband and kids became interested, went through RCIA and entered the church last spring.  Thank you.

J & K in Lakewood, WA

Thank you for the rosary, enjoy praying along with the radio.