Sharathon Appreciation Gifts

Trust Prayer Card
A beautiful prayer by an unknown author to encourages us to trust in our Lord in all things and in His will for us.

Beautiful Hope
God walks with us and his presence fills us with hope.
Powerful, real-life stories that will have you smiling in the midst of difficulties, defeating despair, and infusing your life with hope.God walks with us and his presence fills us with hope.
What gives you hope? What are your hopes and dreams for your self, your children, your church, your community, your nation? What sustains that hope and turns those dreams into reality? What are some of the unique ways you bring hope to people in your life? The contributors featured in Beautiful Hope offer intensely personal answers to these questions.

Into your hands Jesus
Intercessonal Prayer Packet with Matt Talbot and Divine Mercy.
Included in the Prayer Packet.
- Enrollment of a loved one into the Society of Matt Talbot where they will be prayed for freedom by nuns and lay people in the local churches where Matt Talbot served and is buried. The Society of Matt Talbot will pray perpetually and offer Masses in your loved ones name.
- Bookmark with a personal intercessory prayer asking Venerable Matt Talbot to pray for your loved one.
- Prayer card for canonization for Venerable Matt Talbot.
- Divine Mercy: Jesus’ promise of conversion.
- Divine Mercy Chaplet for the sick and the dying.

"Let go and let God"
This popular phrase captures the essence of Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s 18th century treatise on trust, Abandonment to Divine Providence.
Do you doubt? Do you suffer? Are you anxious about the trials of life?
Father de Caussade offers the one sure solution to any spiritual difficulty: abandon yourself entirely to God by embracing the duties of your station in life. With wisdom and gentleness he teaches how to practice complete submission to the will of God in every situation, whether we are beginners or seasoned travelers on the way of perfection. True abandonment, he explains, is a trusting, peaceful, and childlike surrender to the guidance of grace.
Donations $1 up to $99

Donations $100 up to $249

Donations $250 up to $499

Donations $500 up